Monday, 22 September 2014

Parks Drawing of Project Development

Hi Folks!

We haven't heard much from Parks over the summer, so I apologize for the lack of available information.  This is what came through today as firm plans from Parks to be implemented by them over the next few weeks.

To relay the fine print:

Top left:

New asphalt pavement/ramp

Bottom left:

New post and paddle fence (in front of planting bed)

Right (top to bottom):

New perennial planting bed

New seating / gathering area

(1) New raised signature BUFCO garden beds (4' x 8') 4-tier, 6" cedar logs (20" height)

(11) New raised signature BUFCO garden beds (4' x 8') 3-tier, 6" cedar logs (15" height)

New double shredded cedar mulch over limestone screening surface

New perennial planting bed

I realize there are some flaws in their design and I'd like people to send in their comments as soon as possible.

I am also working with Greenest City, our wonderful trustee, to set up a meeting between the garden members, Parks, and Live Green.

Please let me know who would like to be a part of this meeting and we'll start setting up dates once we have the list of people who want to attend.
