Thursday, 27 March 2014

Meeting - Governance

Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 1st @7pm in the Annette Library.

Our focus topic is Governance (aka deciding to decide!) and we hope to develop and finalize our governance structure this evening.

If time permits, we will move on to the Garden Agreements list which we started at the last meeting.  Emily has kindly written up what we discussed in the following list:

Content to be included in the Ravina Community Garden Agreement:

1) Voting Practices and How decisions are made
 * Do we have voting members and non-voting members? What is quorum?
 * What is the communication process when a vote/decision is being made? How are people notified?

2) Harvesting - schedule and distribution
 * Is there a cap on membership to ensure garden shares aren't too small?
 * Will harvesting happen on specific days/times? How will harvests be divided up?
 * Will shares of the harvest be contingent on volunteering a set number of hours?

3) Conflict Management/Dispute Resolution Practices
 * Suggested Policy: Any time someone provides a complaint to the garden coordinator, they should offer at least 2 possible solutions
 * How will disputes between gardeners or issues with garden agreement be resolved?

4) Gardening Practices
 * Can we all agree on organic? Does that need to be further defined (ie what amendments are and are not permitted)?

5) Sharing Space
 * Who has access to the garden? Members only? Volunteers?  Schools? Anyone in the community?
 * What if damage occurs while members/non members are in the space?

6) Member Responsibilities
 * What is required of garden members (ie participation on a team, minimum volunteer hours, etc)?
 * Are members required to participate in spring/fall cleanup or other group activities?

7) Teams and their responsibilities
 * What are the teams? What do they do? Are people able to be members of multiple teams?
 * Do teams have one central leader? 

8) Gardening tasks and schedules
 * How is the maintenance schedule for the garden developed/implemented?
 * How do people report on work they have completed or work that needs to be done?

Hope to see you there, and hope to see spring arrive any day now!

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